“Be still, and know that I am God” - Psalm 46:10
Last week I was able to get away to a cabin in the sweetest little town.
I breathed in the fresh air, felt the sun kiss my face and found myself having moments of pure JOY!
There was no wifi and I was completely disconnected from the world. IT WAS MAGIC!
I didn't realize it but my soul needed to be still.

"There is a hypnotic rhythm of revelatory magic floating about us everyday. We've got to humble ourselves and become like little children if we want to tap into it." Jodi L. Nicholes
deep silence and calm; stillness.
quietness, quiet, quietude, silence, stillness, hush, soundlessness, noiselessness; calmness, calm, tranquility, peace, peacefulness, peace and quiet, serenity
Personal revelation is just that.....personal.
For me, It comes in the form of
Sometimes it comes through dreams.
And every now and again (not often) there are times Revolation floods my body, heart, and soul with an almost surge of lighting that fills my mind with inspired thoughts and direction.

One particularly afternoon I found myself alone at the cabin. I had arrived a few hours prior and was just settling in when the family decided to go exploring.
I sat on the front porch swing with a prayer in my heart. It’s the same prayer I’ve had in my heart for months concerning a particular project. My mind has felt Jumbled and my heart unsettled. It wasn't long before I Recognized that familiar ”surge of lighting” filling my mind with direction and inspired thoughts. Not long after a yellow butterfly came to visit which is always a great sign
If we are obedient in our covenant keeping and seek personal revelation I believe the answers are there, revolution is all around us. We are waiting for a dove or a something grand and miraculous to take place. . And those moments do come but they are usually far and few between.
Revelation can come through the words of a tenderhearted four-year-old, a yellow butterfly, a sweet neighbor, Who despite just losing her son to cancer makes dinner for your children while you are out of town.
If you are seeking answers and are in need of something God is aware of you. He loves you and wants you to prosper and grow. The answers are there we simply need to change our perspective on how we receive them. There is a hypnotic rhythm of revelatory magic floating about us everyday. We've got to humble ourselves and become like little children if we want to tap into it.
"'Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.' (Matt. 18:3-4.)"
How do you best receive revelation?