While playing minute to win it games during the 1st grade Valentine's party, I realized We had a shortage of kids so I decided I’d be the much needed ”extra” for the party and join in on the fun.
It was girls versus boys. You can imagine the 1st-grade excitement/drama. (Notice the finger crossing of the kids) During this particular game our goal was to set up as many dominoes as possible without them falling down in a one minute time period. It was Intense & I was sweating! My dominoes kept falling over.
Maddie the sweet little girl pictured would lean over every couple of seconds and whisper to me....... ”It's okay, You can do it! You've Just got to believe in yourself” I seriously could not stop smiling. My first thought, what a tender, Wise six-year-old girl.
My second thought, I assume and hope these sweet words of affirmation she is whispering to me are spoken to her often. .
I imagine our Heavenly Father whispers these same words to us “It’s okay, you can do it you’ve just got to believe in yourself” When we believe in our divine potential and live a life equal to our worth our confidence goes up and we are so much stronger.
I left the 1st grade Valentine’s party feeling Inspired thanks to little Maddie.
Take time today to Write a letter to a girl or woman who inspires you to love & serve more.
With Love and Light