(Yes, Winnter is singing in this picture)
When I look back on my childhood Christmases, it’s not the gifts I remember. It’s all of the memories made with friends and family. I love family traditions. What are some family Christmas traditions you are passing on to your children? Perhaps you have created your own family Traditions? Here are a few of our Christmas traditions. 1. Every Christmas season we load the kids in the car, get hot chocolate, drive around and count all of the nativities we can find. 2. The kids get New Pajamas the day before Christmas left by little elf’s on the front porch. (Aspen the Elf or Nolan the Elf) 3. The kids get reindeer food (Glitter mixed with bird feed) and sprinkle it allover the yard on Christmas Eve. 4. We go and See the lights at Temple Square in Salt Lake City. 5. Santa gives the kids a new Christmas bell every year. (This is to make sure they still believe) 6. We Read the story of Christ Birth on Christmas Eve. 7. Day after Thanksgiving we get out all of the Christmas movies and watch them. 8. Make Gingerbread houses 9. Every Family night for the Month of December we take the kids and do a service project. (This is my Favorite) This year we are taking the kids to a homeless shelter to Meet with kids their own age. These are just a few of the things we love to do. It’s amazing how the Children look forward to each and every tradition.