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Jodi Lee

Every Year during the month of November, we get out OUR


Whenever we think of something or someone we are thankful for, we write it down and place it in the jar. It is so much fun at the end of the month to see what everyone is thankful for. My favorites are the little notes written by the kids, and the cute pictures they draw.

Here are just a few things I am thankful for 1. An INCREDIBLE husband who is truly AMAZING (He should be cloned) it's true! 2. My car. Every morning I drive past the bus stop and see people waiting in the freezing cold. (I secretly want to pullover and tell them to hop on in)

3. My fluffy purple bathrobe 4. My little boy who has a HEART of GOLD! He reminds me to slowdown, and to have a little more patience. (Aren’t kids wise?) 5. Hershey's chocolate! 6. I am thankful for my Parents, for their years of service. They have NEVER wavered in what they believe! (I get a little teary-eyed just thinking about it) 7. For my little girl who tells me everyday “I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL HEART” (Thanks Winn) 8. Humor! 9. My family! My siblings are wonderful people, who would do anything for anyone. Not to mention they all have a fabulous sense of humor 10. For friends who inspire me daily. Some who have opened their heart to adoption, others who are willing to share their story! I love you!! 11. The opportunity to share what I love with others. For the gift of Music! 12. For a Father in Heaven who knows me, and loves me, despite my shortcomings. The list could go ON and ON…… What are you thankful for?

otes written by the kids, and the cute pictures they draw!

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