The other day I came across this article in a magazine. "Contrary to popular belief, real power is not about money or status. (Or an eight-bedroom house or gym-toned tush-no matter how many people may kiss it.) No, the power that changes your life isn't about Fancy external trappings. It's accessible to anyone, because it comes from within-and there are as many ways of defining it as there are people who embody it." I think for many of us it takes having the "EXTERNAL TRAPPINGS" mentioned above to realize how unimportant they really are. Over the last week I have found myself asking this question..............
For me, I feel most powerful when I am serving others. when I am listening.....(REALLY LISTENING) to someone share their hopes, dreams and heartaches. Ultimately, I feel the most powerful when my spirit and body are aligned. When I am keeping the promises I have made. It's then, and ONLY then that I can truly understand my worth and my divinity.